An application for everything.
From extraction and processing to GHG tracking, forecasting and optimisation. Our low-code platform lets you create and modify everything using tools you are familiar with.

Low-code. Lots of flexibility.
EnergySys is the most powerful low-code platform for agile energy companies. It is configurable, easy to use, exciting and evolving, making it quick and easy for engineering business users to create applications that do exactly what you need.
While many of our user prefer to configure their own applications, for those that want to get started on the platform quicker or require domain expertise, our partners have developed template applications. Ranging from production accounting and reporting, pipeline reporting, forecasting, budgeting and tracking production, transport and sales, these applications offer a foundation to build from.
So, whether you need monthly, daily or hourly allocation, have onshore, offshore or LNG assets or require greenhouse gas emission tracking, EnergySys can be configured to handle it all, whilst our partner-created applications make every solution bespoke to each company.
This makes it more flexible and scalable than any other solution available on the market. The only limit is your imagination.

Onshore and Offshore assets
LNG assets
Pipeline Management
Effectively manage your onshore and offshore assets with a seamless, low-code cloud solution.
Utilise the power of low-code software to enhance efficiency and enable seamless collaboration across various stakeholders.
Gain accurate insights with simple data input and output, ease of miscalculation correction, as well as seamless planning and forecasting.

Energy Transition
Planning, forecasting & estimation
Digital Transformation
Meet your sustainability goals with low-code software designed to help you reduce emissions, streamline operations, and easily manage your energy transition.
Planning, forecasting and estimation are just some of the functionalities our partner-built template applications can bring your business.
In an ever-evolving industry, digitalisation can help your company weather downturns, manage losses and maximise potential.
"What we've just done and how quickly we've done it, would not have been possible with any other tool" - TAQA Bratani

Extraction & processing
Pipeline transportation
Cargo despatching
Everything you need to make faster, better informed decisions for production and processing operations, including asset calculations, planning and forecasting, performance analysis and reporting.
Efficient and flexible tracking of your product from entry to exit. Easily manage commercial processes around capacity booking and nomination, product quality difference, allocation and training.
Efficiently track, report and forecast product inventory, transport, availability, and journey times for a clear picture that ensures safe management of storage and minimises the cost of vessel wait times.

Partner operated assets
Market regulation
Operational excellence
Quickly and easily process partner production data using automation, no matter the format. Equity owner? No problem. Undertake asset-specific calculations, like deferments and forecasting, for offline modelling.
Manage national resources more easily with effective and efficient data collection. EnergySys supports straightforward submission of Operator Returns and provides powerful performance analysis, consolidation and forecasting.
Elite Energy Consultants' ePMF is an industry-leading capability for production management. It leverages analysis to maximise production efficiency, and is a key step towards a complete integrated operations excellence solution.

The platform
Partner applications
Open reporting
EnergySys is the most powerful low code platform for agile energy companies. It is configurable, easy to use, exciting and evolving, making it quick and easy for engineering business users to create applications that do exactly what they need.
Many of our users configure their own applications, but for those that want to get started on the platform as quickly as possible, our partners have built some powerful template applications that are hosted on our cloud platform.
Our use of open data standards mean your reporting is more flexible, offers more effective data sharing, and more choice. Analytics isn't a costly add-on, it's open data combined with your preferred tool.