Energy software. Reimagined.
From metering to allocation to invoicing. EnergySys gives you the power to change everything.
What does EnergySys do?
"In addition to being the first 100% cloud-native software platform for oil and gas, EnergySys is a leading no-code development platform. The increased adoption of no-code development platforms for Oil and Gas, is also very critical to its reinvention."

Extraction & processing
Pipeline transportation
Cargo despatching
Everything you need to make better informed decisions for production and processing operations, including asset calculations, planning and forecasting, performance analysis and reporting.
Efficient and flexible tracking of your product from entry to exit. Easily manage commercial processes around capacity booking and nomination, product quality difference, allocation and training.
Accurately track, report and forecast product inventory, transport, availability, and journey times for a clear picture that ensures safe management of storage and minimises the cost of vessel wait times.

Partner operated assets
Market regulation
Build your own
Quickly and easily process partner production data using automation, no matter the format. Equity owner? No problem. Undertake asset-specific calculations, like deferments and forecasting, for offline modelling.
Manage national resources more easily with effective and efficient data collection. EnergySys supports straightforward submission of Operator Returns and provides powerful performance analysis, consolidation and forecasting.
We recognise you face your own set of challenges, and sometimes a template application is not enough. That's why we made the EnergySys Cloud Platform simple to extend and modify, to fit your requirements.
Industry approved
Our users include super-majors, small independents and everything in between, with assets of all types. Whether it’s offshore, onshore, LNG, pipelines and refineries; daily, monthly or hourly allocation, EnergySys is proven to work for oil and gas companies of all shapes and sizes.
Because it's configurable not programmable, EnergySys can be made to fit your needs, no matter the complexity, and easily modified as your operation evolves.
TAQA said: “What we’ve just done, and how quickly we’ve done it, wouldn’t have been possible with any other tool”.
"We required a system with high levels of flexibility, automation, stability, and security. EnergySys was the only solution that delivered everything we need, with the ability to turn it around and meet our incredibly tight deadline.” - Chrysaor

Cloud and the journey to net zero
Effective production management
Get in the know with our blogs
Making the move to the cloud has the potential to deliver improvements across the entire organisation.
Done right, it can significantly drive down net emissions while maintaining profitability and economic growth.
Successful production optimisation is crucial for competitive oil and gas companies.
Find out how Todd Energy countered a 30% predicted decline in asset value using a Production Management Framework on EnergySys.
Each of our insightful posts tackles industry topics like Digital Transformation and Cloud technology to Hydrocarbon Accounting and company insights.
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